I have been doing great. Here it is still green and completely flat but I like it for some strange reason. Texas is doing pretty good right now. To tell you the truth it is a whole new world and about the Alamo... They are pretty proud of that.
It's pretty cold here too, it is just a different kind of cold. The humidity really does make a difference. It is only around 40 degrees but it is a bone chilling cold! Maybe it is just because I am used to it being hot but the humidity makes it absolutely frigid. I am keeping warm though. I usually wear my sweater and my coat with a hat and gloves. I keep pretty warm. Elder Ek laughs because he says when I ride my bike my coat flies out behind me and I look like Harry Potter. We're going to take a picture of it sometime this week.
We had a lot of lessons. We challenged a couple of people to baptism and we've got a couple people coming up with a date!!! No, unfortunately we haven't even been able to see Jorge for a while. We have a meeting scheduled for this week it has just been a little difficult. Its okay he is one of those people who I know will get there. We are having a lot of people willing to hear our message! One of the Zone Leaders told me that people start getting really receptive about this time and he is definitely right! I love it. I've decided to get into Christmas by saying Feliz Navidad instead of Nos Vemos. I haven't had a lot of success with getting people to say it back but I keep trying.
I did get to see the Devotional and thought it was awesome. We've been seeing a lot of Christmas decorations. We always have a discussion about Christmas lights and Elder Ek is in shock that all we did were bush lights. I always just laugh at him and say that's just how it is. Elder Ek already opened his presents he got from home :).
Can't believe that the woodpecker came back, we've got some problems with birds here too. There is a street where a couple THOUSAND birds sit above us on a telephone line. I must be eating my Lucky Charms because I haven't been hit yet but Elder Ek has been "bombed from above" by them three times.
I've had a little bike trouble but I can't complain that is just how it goes. For me I can't believe that I have already been in the mission for almost four months. It is going by pretty fast. I've almost finished training and this week we find out what happens with transfers. I really hope that I am able to stay here with Elder Ek! There are a lot of really cool things that are happening here and I want to stay around to see what happens. The week before, we found a ton of new investigators and we even had the Zone Leaders call us and congratulate us (while giving us a subtle hint that we need to make sure they are turned into real investigators). The great thing is... it happened! We were able to meet with most of them and they are very interested in learning more. I can't even imagine leaving but I think that I might. It is really up in the air what happens.
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the Savior. With Christmas coming around we are seeing more people open to hearing our message. The Savior paid the price for each one of us. I don't know if you saw the Christmas Devotional last night but I thought it was really cool about that little Cub Scout who was told that Jesus Christ died for him. It is true. He really did die for each one of us. It is very humbling to think of it like that. That someone would have that much love that they would give their own life so that we may return to live with God.
That is awesome that you guys are getting ready for Christmas! I am very excited to talk to you guys. It is great to be able to email y'all but it just isn't the same. There is way too much to tell. You just kind of have to live it. Just so you know, I have been living up to the family tradition of having cheese and crackers. Elder Ek was kind of wondering what was going on, but it was great. Nothing like it! I'm thinking about buying a cheese ball too. Our mission presidency challenged us to eat healthier which is funny because Elder Ek is pretty bad and I am starting to follow in his footsteps. Hey, I just like Cheezits. I am eating more fruits and vegetables and I do feel better, so I will probably start making some changes.
That's awesome about the stake goal to index a million names this year! I hope that you guys can do it! Family history work is a really big part of missionary work. We have actually had a lot of people talk to us and say that they know of our church through family history! I bet Mom would love to hear that.
It is very interesting about how God answers our prayers. I love how we always have him to turn to. No matter what question we have we can always turn to our Father in Heaven and he will answer us.
Love you so much! Feliz Navidad!!!!
Elder Ressler